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INFLUENCE brings together highly experienced consultants from business, psychology and academia. Our experience provides us with an ability to translate the latest scientific research into sound organisational practice.


We are pioneers in the application of the new psychology of the social identity approach to organisations. Built upon more than 40 years of social psychological research, the social identity approach (SIA) explains and predicts leadership, influence, group formation and group dynamics. For example, contemporary SIA research shows that mergers elicit intergroup biases, hostility and an “us and them” mentality among employees.


New strategy deployment and major change initiatives can trigger perceived threats to one or more organisational group’s identity leading to conflict, cynicism and disengagement. Taking on a new group as a leader can be a daunting task, particularly as SIA research shows that the person who exerts most influence over other group members is the person who most represents the shared social identity and collective goals of the group.


Behind the Scenes


Founder and Managing Director


Randal has extensive experience in leading and facilitating leadership development, strategy development, and change programs across the private and public sector, police and military. His work  is informed by 20 years of research and MBA level teaching in leadership and strategic theory and practice.


His interest, in both his work and research, is in the role of collaborative leadership in delivering exceptional organisational performance.

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